Click to ExpandHow To Measure Absolute Humidity

Industrial humidity control is vital in maintaining a facility’s and its occupants’ well-being. Monitoring absolute humidity also influences the efficiency of manufacturing processes by managing moisture levels and enhancing the quality and longevity of final products. This process helps ensure the appropriate moisture concentration in various industries.

MAC Instruments has established itself as a prominent industry player, specializing in producing in-situ industrial moisture analyzers. We manufacture specialized moisture analyzers tailored for high-temperature environments. These advanced instruments can accurately gauge absolute humidity levels, even in the most challenging industrial settings.

Effects of Humidity in Industrial Applications

Humidity is a critical factor that impacts product quality, equipment longevity, process efficiency, and safety in the following industries:


Precise control of moisture levels ensures that food products are perfectly cooked, reducing the likelihood of undercooked or overcooked items. It also helps preserve the final product’s texture, flavor, and nutritional value. Moreover, optimal humidity regulation contributes to cost-efficiency by eliminating the need for disposal or reprocessing of subpar batches.


Controlling humidity helps to reduce paper breakage and misalignment caused by dimensional changes. This guarantees that printing operations go smoothly and precisely. It also improves ink absorption into the substrate, producing a more colorful, crisper print quality. Furthermore, appropriate humidity promotes operator comfort by preventing concerns such as dry skin.


Textile production relies on precise industrial humidity control, as yarns and fabrics are highly susceptible to variations in air quality. Woven materials release moisture in dry ambient conditions, losing elasticity and reducing tear resistance. This can negatively impact the final product’s quality. By keeping optimal moisture levels, manufacturers can mitigate these issues.


Humidification is crucial in ensuring the longevity and performance of sensitive electronics, components, and equipment. Maintaining the right moisture levels helps prevent corrosion and electrical failures, which can be costly and disruptive. In addition, proper industrial humidity control minimizes the risk of electrostatic build-up, which can lead to static shocks and damage to sensitive electronic components.


Inconsistent humidity can diminish drug quality and shorten shelf life, impacting efficacy and safety. Therefore, all pharmaceutical production stages require an efficient moisture monitoring system. This includes research and testing, where precise conditions are essential for accurate manufacturing, packaging, and storage.

Factors To Consider When Choosing Industrial Moisture Sensors

An industrial moisture sensor is a device that gauges and oversees moisture or humidity levels. When choosing the optimal component for a particular application, it is vital to consider the following factors:


The sensors come in different models and price ranges, and balancing budget and quality requirements is essential. Low-cost devices may be suitable for projects requiring less demanding precision and durability. However, they might not offer the accuracy needed for critical industrial processes. Contrarily, more expensive sensors typically provide greater accuracy, reliability, and additional features, but they might exceed budget limits.

Here are other cost-related considerations to take into account:

  • Total cost of ownership:Look beyond the initial purchase cost and assess the long-term expenses, including maintenance, calibration, and operational outlay.
  • Warranty and support:Investigate the warranty provided by the manufacturer and the availability of technical support, as these can impact ongoing expenses.
  • Energy efficiency:Consider the power consumption of the sensor; devices with lower energy usage can lead to reduced operational costs over time.
  • Integration and compatibility:Ensure the sensor can easily integrate with the existing systems, reducing potential fees associated with system modifications.
  • Quality and accuracy:A higher-quality, more accurate device may lead to cost savings regarding waste reduction and improved product quality.
  • Downtime expenses:Analyze the potential expenditure associated with downtime due to sensor failures or maintenance.
  • Regulatory compliance:Depending on the industry and location, non-compliance with moisture control standards and regulations can result in fines and additional expenses.
  • Training costs:Consider any training requirements for the team to operate and maintain the sensor effectively.


Efficiency is critical when selecting moisture sensors due to its direct impact on the effectiveness and productivity of industrial processes. Devices with quick response times enable real-time control of moisture levels and monitoring, leading to rapid adjustments in the production process. This helps maintain consistent product quality and reduces the likelihood of defects or waste. Energy-efficient sensors also consume less power, contributing to cost savings and environmental sustainability.

Other efficiency-related considerations are as follows:

  • Maintenance requirements: Sensors with low maintenance needs lead to reduced downtime, ensuring that processes remain efficient.
  • Data logging and analysis: Devices with data logging and analysis capabilities offer insights that enable continuous process improvement.
  • Durability: A durable sensor can operate efficiently over an extended lifespan, minimizing the need for replacements and reducing downtime.
  • Scalability: Sensors that can scale with increasing demands support business growth without requiring major equipment changes.
  • Accuracy: Highly accurate systems ensure precise moisture control, reducing the risk of product defects or waste.
  • User-friendliness: Sensors that are intuitive and require minimal training contribute to smoother processes and fewer errors.
  • Remote monitoring: Devices with remote monitoring capabilities enable real-time oversight of moisture levels, enhancing operational efficiency by allowing quick response to issues.

Our Humidity Control Systems

At MAC Instruments, we offer the following industrial humidity control systems:

MAC 125 Moisture Analyzer

The MAC 125 Moisture Analyzer does not employ conventional methods like chemicals, compressed air, wet bulb techniques, optics, and mirrors. At its core is a proprietary solid-state humidity measurement process a cutting-edge technology that sets it apart. This methodology leverages a humidity sensor that provides highly accurate readings based on the partial pressure of water vapor.

This novel approach enhances accuracy and makes the MAC 125 a cost-effective and efficient choice for various industrial applications. Furthermore, its ability to deliver precise moisture readings with minimal setup requirements means businesses can optimize their processes. The elimination of consumables further contributes to long-term savings and sustainability.

MAC 155 Moisture Analyzer

The MAC 155 Moisture Analyzer is a valuable tool for enhancing process safety and ensuring compliance with US EPA regulations. It accomplishes this by using high-quality components including a humidity probe and transmitter making it user-friendly. Designed for 24/7 monitoring of stack emission gases, the MAC 155 is pivotal in industrial operations worldwide.

What makes the analyzer impressive is its ability to measure humidity in exhaust gases exposed to high temperatures, reaching up to 1200 °F (650 °C). It also offers accurate and continuous humidity monitoring under such extreme conditions. These capabilities are essential for sectors subject to strict emissions standards, such as power generation and petrochemical facilities.

MAC 116 Moisture Analyzer

The MAC 116 Moisture Analyzer is primarily used in industrial cooking processes to regulate steam flow into the environment. Doing so helps maintain the optimal moisture levels necessary for achieving maximum product yield while minimizing cooking time. This control over moisture levels can have a significant impact on the overall efficiency of the process.

One of the advantages of using the MAC 116 Moisture Analyzer is the potential for increased product yield, which can rapidly offset its initial cost. In many installations, the savings extend beyond enhanced product yield; there is also a reduction in the amount of steam used. This contributes to cost savings and aligns with sustainability goals, as it reduces resource consumption and environmental impact.

High Accuracy Humidity Sensors and Analyzers by MAC

MAC Instruments’ product line encompasses cutting-edge steam flow meters, transmitters, and a comprehensive range of industrial humidity control systems. These advanced instruments offer an invaluable critical data source through a user-friendly interface. When you choose us, you are putting your trust in a brand known for its dedication to quality and precision!

Contact us for more information! You can also request a quote now.